Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs

Although most women misconstrue a missed menstrual period for being pregnant, there are other symptoms that women can experience during the early stages of pregnancy. Remembering that not every woman goes through the same signs during the beginning of their pregnancy is extremely important. Even the same women can experience different signs during a second or third pregnancy that she didn’t have during her first. The following are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms that occur during the first trimester.

Missed Period

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is the missed menstrual period. Although a woman may be pregnant, she might also experience spotting or some bleeding during the time of their expected period. This will typically last somewhere between six to twelve days after the conception occurred. When conceptions occurs, the so-called “implantation bleeding” is typically not as heavy or as long as a regular menstrual period. The bleeding that takes place during the time of the expected menstrual period occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall. This is referred to as implantation bleeding.

During pregnancy, any bleeding that occurs is generally lighter than the bleeding that takes place during a normal menstrual cycle. A woman may notice some other symptoms of early pregnancy before she even realizes that she has missed her period. However, a missed period does not automatically signify that a woman pregnant even if she has regular menstrual cycles, as physical and emotional conditions could be the cause of missed or delayed periods.

Breast Swelling, tenderness, and pain
The experiences of breast tenderness, pain, or swelling are very common signs of early pregnancy. These symptoms can be very similar to sensations felt in the breasts during the days before an expected menstrual period. Woman may also describe feelings of heaviness or even fullness of their breasts during this stage of early pregnancy. These signs can be felt as early as one or two weeks after the conceptions has occurred.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also very common signs that a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy. This is generally referred to as “morning sickness”, however, the nausea and vomiting can take place during anytime of the day or night. This will generally happened during the second and eight weeks of the pregnancy. Generally, women who are pregnant will begin to have nausea and vomiting around one month after the conception has taken place, but it may occur sooner in some women. Women have also reported that they have increased sensitivity to certain smells that will cause their nausea and vomiting.

Increased levels of estrogen that occur during the early stages of pregnancy are perceived to slow down the emptying of the stomach and could be related to the cause of nausea. Another characteristic of morning sickness could be a yearning, or “craving” as it’s commonly referred to, for certain smells or foods. It is not atypical for a pregnant woman to change her diet and she may even find distaste for previously favored foods. For most women, nausea and vomiting should cease during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Food Cravings

For a lot of women, the craving of certain foods is very apparent during the earliest stages of their pregnancy. These food cravings can be present throughout their entire pregnancy.

Fatigue and Tiredness

Fatigue and tiredness are very common symptoms of early pregnancy for many women. Some women have even reported being fatigued during the weeks prior to their conception. Although the cause of this fatigue has not been fully determined, many people believe that an increased level of the progesterone hormone is related. Since fatigue is a nonspecific symptom, there are a lot of reasons for women to experience it other than pregnancy.

Abdominal Bloating

Some women have experienced an increase in abdominal bloating or enlargement, but there is normally only a small amount of weight gain during the early stages of pregnancy. A weight gain of about one pound per month is typical for most pregnancies. Abdominal cramping is also something that women will experience during the first couple weeks of pregnancy, but this is also apparent during the weeks before a menstrual period.

Frequent Urination

During the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience frequent urination. This is very common during the night and she may leak a small amount of urine while laughing, coughing, or sneezing. This elevated need to urinate may occur per hormonal and physical causation. When the embryo has been implanted in the uterus, it can produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). This hormone is thought to be the catalyst of frequent urination. Later, women will experience frequent urination because of the increased pressure on the bladder due to the growing uterus.

Elevated Basal Body Temperature

A steadily elevated basal body temperature –the oral temperature that is measured first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed- is another key characteristic of an early pregnancy. This elevation in the basal body temperature can occur very shortly after ovulation and can persist over the next menstrual period.

Changes In Nipple Color

Some women may experience a changing of color around the area outside of the nipple, known as the areola. They may also see a dark line going down from the middle of their central abdomen area to the pubic area. A certain degree of darkening will occur at the nipple after pregnancy in women, but will disappear in the months after the delivery of the child.

Melasma (darkening of the skin)

During the first trimester, some women may experience what is known as the “mask of pregnancy”. This is typical of darkening in their forehead, the bridge of their nose, upper lip, or their cheeks. This darkened skin typically occurs on both sides of the face. Doctors refer to this as melasma. Women who have a family history of this are at a greater chance to experience it during the early stages of their pregnancy.

Mood Swings and Stress

Mood swings and stress are very typical signs of an early pregnancy. Many women will experience this as a symptom. Women have reported feelings of heightened emotions or even some crying spells after their conception. These rapid changes in their hormonal balance are thought to be the cause of their mood swings and stress.


Some women have reported to suffer from headaches during the early stages of their pregnancy, occurring in the weeks following their conception. This may also be caused by the changes in their hormonal levels.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Find The Best Weightloss Programs In 5 Easy Ways

Are you searching for the best weightloss programs to help you deal with losing those extra pounds? Do you find it hard to find the right programs that suit your needs? Indeed, the kind of weightloss program you are in can contribute to the success or failure of your diet plan.

It is not easy to lose weight. You have to watch the food you eat, do all forms of activities that can make you burn calories after calories, and sometimes, you may even be tempted to undergo surgery just to have that body you desire. What weight loss enthusiasts fail to know is that the only technique behind effective weight loss is actually getting into the right weightloss programs.

There are numerous weightloss programs offered in weight loss centers, private clinics, hospitals, and even online. They cover everything from the food you have to eat and down to the most appropriate exercises you have to do. In some weightloss programs, they also include the supplements you have to take.

Now if you’re just starting and the long list of weightloss programs makes it more confusing for you to decide which are the best, then you should narrow down your choices. Here are five ways to help you arrive at your ideal weightloss programs:

1. Ask your doctor
The easiest thing to do is ask your doctor about weightloss programs. He or she is the best person to help you out. You can ask your doctor to explain each program, their pros and cons, and whether or not they are applicable to you. This way, you save yourself the trouble of trying out different programs and become disappointed if they won’t work.

2. Inquire at weight loss centers
Weight loss clinics and centers offer a wide selection of weightloss programs to their clients. They have in house dieticians and nutritionists who come up with their weight loss plans, usually original ones which they can offer solely in their respective centers.

3. Do your own research
There are many resources out there when it comes to finding weightloss programs. The internet serves as an excellent venue where people can share ideas and experiences about losing weight. Here you will find the latest breakthroughs in the field of health. You can compare and contrast different diet plans and programs. You can even read testimonies of those who have tried the programs themselves.

4. Ask your friends and relatives
Surely you’re not the only who has problems with regard to losing weight. Be practical and ask people you know who had been successful in their weight loss plans. Ask what did they do, what programs did they follow, and other questions related to their success. You can even ask them to help you out.

5. Make your own weight loss program
You know yourself better than others and based on your self-assessment, you can actually come up with your own weightloss programs. Use the information you’ve gathered and with a little help from your doctor, improvise existing diet programs to suit yourself. 
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Yoga Healing - The Natural Way To Better Health

The ancient art of yoga is widely practiced today for a number of benefits that it brings about. Yoga is known to be able to help one lose weight; provide emotional and mental balance through meditation and relaxation, and also for yoga healing. Nowadays there are a number of yoga centers all over the world, and you will surely be able to find one near you to try out.

Yoga is not just a fad, it actually works. If you are encountering an ailment you would like to address, you can turn to yoga healing. It greatly helps to provide harmony and balance within your body to address many ailments, and improve the overall functioning of all your organs.

Yoga healing is known to help cure many problems, such as the following:

  • Yoga healing can help you deal with addictions to drugs, alcohol and smoking.
  • If you have posture and flexibility problem, yoga is the best thing you can do for improved flexibility and to prevent backaches.
  • Yoga healing is very effective for emotional and depression problems. It will help you regain focus on what’s positive and uplifting in your life, and you will surely feel a big change.
  • Cancer can also be prevented through the use of regular yoga, and if you are already suffering from cancer, this is a good way to help you gain peace and personal balance in dealing with it.
  • Regular yoga is also helpful in prevention of heart disease and other types of disorders related to the heart.
If you are wondering whether yoga healing is for you or not, you should give it a try. There are many benefits that you can gain, and there are no side effects at all. Just some of the overall health benefits of yoga you can gain include:
•    Improved self esteem
•    Aids in circulation and better immunity
•    Helps you have an overall relaxed and calm outlook towards life
•    Greatly reduces stress, tension and anxiety
•    Improves stamina, muscle tone, and flexibility

However, for yoga healing to be effective, you should be dedicated and committed to the regular practice of yoga. It will also help you to get rid of negative habits such as smoking and drinking, and these changes must also be committed to outside of yoga practice.

No matter what your career is, there is a form of yoga healing that can suit you. It is even ideal for housewives and practically anybody who wants to be able to benefit from the advantages of yoga healing.

It can help you improve and make every aspect of your life better by providing you with a better and more relaxed state of mind, which will allow you to see things with a different and more accepting approach. Peace and calmness when dealing with stressful things can minimize our tension in a great way, so  no matter what you do you will surely be able to benefit from yoga healing.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1st Trimester pregnancy experiences

Your first trimester pregnancy months are the time when you need to accept and absorb all the changes you and your body are about to go through. When you first suspect that you are pregnant, a lot of different feelings go coursing through your body and mind. You may be thrilled at the prospect of becoming a parent, and at the same time you may be terrified of the very idea that you’ll be responsible for the life of another human being.

During the first trimester pregnancy months you’ll have many things to think about. One of these is your choice of doctor to guide you through your pregnancy. Although many women visit their general practitioner throughout their pregnancy, it’s advised that you seek out the care of an obstetrician during the first trimester pregnancy weeks.

This type of doctor has extensive training and experience in dealing specifically with pregnancy and delivery. It’s a good idea to visit an obstetrician during your first trimester pregnancy weeks to find out your exact due date and also to learn more about nutrition. He will also prescribe a pre-natal vitamin for you during your initial visit.

One body change you are likely to notice during the first trimester pregnancy weeks is how easily you become tired. As your hormones change, so does your need for rest. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself having to catch a quick nap in the middle of the afternoon or when you return home from work. Your body is telling you to rest and you need to listen and obey it.

One effect you may also experience during the first few weeks of your pregnancy is morning sickness. Although this doesn’t happen to all women, a good majority suffer from at least some symptoms of morning sickness. The name itself is a bit misleading as morning sickness can occur anytime during the day or evening. If you happen to experience this first trimester pregnancy symptom, keep in mind that it will pass. Morning sickness rarely lasts for the duration of the pregnancy, it’s almost always restricted to the first trimester.

Things can go wrong during a pregnancy and in most cases, if that does happen, it will be during the first trimester pregnancy period. Miscarriages are unfortunately a fact of life, and quite often are nature’s way of protecting a fetus that has some sort of birth defect. Should you suffer from a miscarriage, take comfort in the fact that most women who lose a pregnancy go on to give birth to one or more healthy children. It’s very rare for a miscarriage to happen beyond the first trimester, so if you are into your second trimester, take comfort in that.

It is for this reason that many people wait beyond the first trimester pregnancy weeks before informing others of the impending birth. You usually won’t be showing until your fourth or fifth month of pregnancy so it is relatively easy to keep the secret until you are far enough along to know that the baby is healthy and secure.

Make sure that you take time during the first few months of your pregnancy to do some research into caring for a new baby. Many people, particularly first time parents, don’t have the experience or knowledge they would like to have when the baby arrives. Read as much as you can about both child birth and caring for a newborn so you can feel confident in your parenting skills once the baby arrives.

Babies are a joy and you should cherish each and every day, right from your first trimester pregnancy weeks through to the day you give birth. These are memories that will last forever, so be certain you take some time to thoroughly enjoy all the changes you are experiencing.
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Friday, January 13, 2012

The First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the first 12 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. This trimester is the most consuming for many women because everything is so new, so exciting, and so overwhelming all at once. The first trimester is also one of amazing development in the baby. Here is some basic information you should know about these first 12 weeks. View a week-by-week view for fetal development, or click to learn more about pregnancy at 1-4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks, 8 weeks, 9 weeks, 10 weeks, 11 weeks, 12 weeks, 13 weeks or 14 weeks. If you're a member, you can customize your dates and follow along with the Pregnancy Calendar, too!

Fetal Development

Fertilization (About 2 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period): The mother's body releases an egg, which is fertilized by a sperm. The fertilized egg has the 46 chromosomes needed to determine height, hair color, and sex. The egg begins to divide, and begins its trip down the mother's fallopian tube toward the uterus.

Implantation (About 5-7 days after fertilization): The egg attaches to the lining of the uterus during the first trimester of pregnancy. The fertilized egg begins to grow and doubles in size every day. The placenta and umbilical cord begin to form and carry nourishment and oxygen to the baby and carry waste away.

Week 4 (2 weeks after conception):
This is about the time that the mother misses her period. The embryo is about 1/100 of an inch long at this time. The baby has a spinal cord, and is dividing into three layers that will become the different organs and systems in the baby.

Week 6 (4 weeks after conception): The embryo is about 1/6 inch long. Limb buds, which will become the legs and arms begin to appear. Blood is being pumped through the fetal circulation, and a heartbeat can be seen on an ultrasound.

Second Month: At the beginning of this month, the baby is about 1/2 inch long and weighs a fraction of an ounce. The baby's development is very rapid during this month. By the end of the second month, all of the baby's major body organs and body systems have begun to develop. At the end of the second month of pregnancy, your baby looks like a tiny human infant. The baby is a little over 1 inch long and still weighs less than 1 ounce.

Third Month: The baby is now officially called a fetus, and will be completely formed by the end of this month. The baby is beginning to move its hands and legs, and opening and closing its mouth, but he or she is still too small for you to feel the movement. Fingers and toes are now distinct, and hair is beginning to form on the head. By the end of this month, the baby will be about 4 inches long and weigh just over an ounce.

Mother's Body

Pregnancy Symptoms: About the time that a woman misses her period, she often also starts to experience the symptoms that are common to pregnancy, including nausea, headaches, dizziness, breast changes, frequent urination, heartburn, aversions, and cravings. These symptoms are caused by hormones, and typically are more severe in the first trimester. One of the most common complaints of the first trimester is morning sickness, which can range from mild to severe, and usually lessens around the end of the first trimester.

Emotional Changes: Emotions are also effected by the raging hormones of the first trimester of pregnancy. Many women feel irritable, have mood swings, and are quick to cry. It is also common, whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned to have a wide range of feelings about the pregnancy including joy, fear, excitement, and apprehension.

Physical Changes: The main physical changes in the first trimester are not to the belly, but to the breasts. From the very beginning, the breasts are starting to change and develop to be able to produce milk by the end. One of the first symptoms many women notice is a tighter bra. Most women don't start to show until the second trimester, so you probably will not look pregnant until after your fourth month.

Weight Gain: The average weight gain during the first trimester is about 5 pounds, but some women actually lose weight as a result of morning sickness.

Doctor's Visits

When to See the Doctor: Women are encouraged to inform their physician as soon as pregnancy is suspected and ideally should be seen for the first time within 12 weeks of the last normal menstrual period. Teenage women, women over the age of 35, or women with a high-risk pregnancy are encouraged to see their doctor even earlier in order to receive more intensive support. In the first trimester, visits should occur every four to six weeks.

The first prenatal appointment (typically between 8 and 12 weeks): The first prenatal visit is often the longest. The doctor will want to know about medical history, including past obstetrical history, and family history of prenatal problems. The doctor will also determine the due date either based on the first day of the last period, or by conducting an ultrasound examination. There will be a thorough physical including blood pressure, urine test, pelvic exam, and pap smear. Routine blood tests are also performed to identify blood type, Rh factor, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor will also prescribe a prenatal vitamin that will ensure that mother and baby are getting enough of the critical vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, iron, and calcium.

Prenatal appointment Week 9-12: At each visit, blood pressure, uterine size, urine sampling for protein and glucose, fetal heart rate, and patient's weight gain are typically recorded. This is also a time to be able to ask questions of the doctor about symptoms, exercise, nutrition, as well as what to expect next. If a chorionic villi sampling is performed, it is usually done between weeks eight and twelve.

Problems to Watch Out For

Bleeding: There can be many causes for bleeding during early pregnancy. It's important to remember that not all bleeding means that a miscarriage is going to happen. In fact, about half of women who have bleeding do not have miscarriages. However, bleeding is not ever normal. Usually slight bleeding will stop on its own. Any bleeding merits a call to a healthcare provider. They will want to run tests to try to discover the cause for the bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy and is accompanied by cramps, pain, fever, or weakness, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Miscarriage: About 1 in 6 pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and most of these happen within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Many women feel that they are to blame when a miscarriage occurs, but there is no evidence that emotional stress, physical activity, or sex cause a miscarriage to occur, and in most cases, nothing can be done to stop a miscarriage from happening once it has begun. If there is vaginal bleeding, cramping pain (usually stronger than menstrual cramps) that is felt low in the abdomen, or if tissue is passed through the vagina, there is a chance of miscarriage. If any of this occurs, the woman should be examined to make sure that the miscarriage is complete.

Ectopic Pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fetus fails to implant itself in the uterus and starts to develop in the fallopian tube. This is very dangerous. If the tube ruptures, it could be a life-threatening situation. The classic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are sharp abdominal cramps or pains on one side. Ectopic pregnancies are more rare than miscarriages. They happen in about 1 out of 60 pregnancies. Women who have had an infection in the tubes (such as pelvic inflammatory disease) or who have had a previous ectopic pregnancy are at higher risk.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Natural Ways of Getting a Glowing Face Instantly

We all know that applying some highlighter on our face can give us an instant glow; however the aftereffect of using these chemical based substances regularly can be quite severe. In this article, we have discussed how one can have a glowing face instantly using natural methods.

Take a pan and fill it with water; add some skin friendly herbs to it and heat the mixture. For people with normal skin, herbs like rosemary and lavender are recommended; if you have oily skin, peppermint or thyme will suit you the best and individuals with sensitive or dry skin should use lime or chamomile.

Once boiled remove the water from the heat and place your face over the pan for taking an herbal steam. Take the steam for 15 minutes; this will open up your skin pores and offer you a deep cleansing experience.

The next step involves skin exfoliation. You can prepare a homemade scrub for skin exfoliation. To prepare the scrub mix together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoon almond paste. Apply this mix onto your face and rub it in gentle circular motions. Continue the scrubbing for 2 minutes and then wash off your face using lukewarm water.

Mash a cool cucumber and apply it all over your face. Wait for ten minutes and wash the face using lukewarm water. Dab your face with a clean towel so that it gets completely dry.

The final step involves application of a gentle moisturizer onto the face. While applying the moisturizer massage your facial skin gently for promoting blood circulation.

Once the above steps are completed as directed, you will find your skin glowing. Now, application of minimum makeup will give you a perfect party look.
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Taking multi vitamin pills does nothing for our health

They  are a daily essential for millions of Britons hoping to ward off ill-health.

But despite the millions of pounds spent on vitamin pills, they do nothing for our health, according to a major study.

Researchers spent more than six years following 8,000 people and found that those taking supplements were just as likely to  have developed cancer or heart disease as those who took an identical-looking dummy pill.

And when they were questioned on how healthy they felt, there was hardly any difference between the two groups.

Experts said the study – one of the most extensive carried out into vitamin pills – suggested that  millions of consumers may be wasting their money on supplements.

Many users fall into the category of the ‘worried well’ – healthy  adults who believe the pills  will insure them against deadly  illnesses – according to  Catherine Collins, chief dietician  at St George’s Hospital in London.

She said: ‘It’s the worried well who are taking these pills to try and protect themselves against Alzheimer’s disease, heart attacks and strokes.

‘But they are wasting their  money. This was a large study  following people up for a long period of time assessing everything from their mobility and blood  pressure to whether they were happy or felt pain.’

Multi-vitamin supplements have become increasingly popular as a quick and easy way of topping up the body’s nutrient levels.

But a series of studies have indicated that, for some people, they could actually be harmful.
Two studies published last year suggested supplements could raise the risk of cancer.

Two studies published last year suggested supplements could raise the risk of cancer.

One found pills containing vitamin E, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc increased the risk of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, four-fold.

The other discovered women on a daily multi-vitamin pill increased their risk of breast cancer by up to 20 per cent.

While the evidence that vitamins can do harm is still limited, the latest study seems to confirm that many people are at the very least taking them unnecessarily.

A team of French researchers,  led by experts at Nancy University, tracked 8,112 volunteers who  took either a placebo capsule, or one containing vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium  and zinc, every day for just over  six years.

They assessed the state of their health at the beginning and end of the trial, taking a quality of life survey designed to measure everything from mobility and pain to vitality and mental health.

When researchers analysed how many in each group had gone on to develop serious illnesses over the years, they found little difference.

In the supplement group, 30.5 per cent of patients had suffered a major health ‘event’, such as  cancer or heart disease.

In the placebo group, the rate was 30.4 per cent.

There were 120 cases of cancer in those taking vitamins, compared to 139 in the placebo group, and  65 heart disease cases, against  57 among the dummy pill users.

In a report on their findings, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, the researchers said: ‘The perception that supplementation improves general well-being is not supported by this trial.

Miss Collins said the results of the study ‘reinforce the idea that if you’re worried about your health and start taking multi-vitamins, you will still be worried about it six years later’.

But the Health Supplements Information Service, which is funded by supplements manufacturers, said the finding that vitamins had no impact on how people perceived their health was ‘to be expected’.

Spokeswoman Dr Carrie Ruxton said: ‘The role of vitamin supplements is to prevent deficiencies and make sure people are receiving their recommended levels.

‘They won’t have a measurable impact on how you feel on a  day-to-day basis but what they  are doing is topping up your recommended levels to the right amount. They are not meant to be a magic bullet.’
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Monday, July 11, 2011

1 week pregnant

Changes in Mother

• Not much of physical changes except for some mild cramping which you may experience on one or both the sides of your stomach.

• Your body will develop estrogen and progesterone in varying quantities to prepare for ovulation which rarely results in ovarian discomfort. The menstrual period stops and the uterine lining starts to build and thicken to receive the egg.

Baby’s Development

• Even though the first day of period is considered as day 1 of the 280 days of a woman’s pregnancy, conception won’t occur for another 14 days. So, the baby is now just an egg in your ovary.

Mother’s Health

• Eating healthy food, exercising, and leading a happy and healthy life will make way for giving birth to a happy and healthy child.

• Looking after yourself and keeping away from stressful conditions should be your primary concern.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fitness And Nutrition Practices To Avoid

There are many misconceptions about proper care of your fitness and nutrition. Most of which should be taken note of because wrong practices may worsen our health conditions instead of improving it as we intended to do.

Sometimes, people jump from one diet plan to another without knowing the risks. Whenever they hear about the latest fad weight loss diet, they immediately get into it. Though there are many ways to get your desired fitness and nutrition level, there are some common practices which you have to avoid. Here are some of them:

Eating power bars in replace of meals

This is a common mistake that people thought could improve their fitness and nutrition. Yes eating power bars will improve your metabolism but it requires you to eat a full balanced meal for it to work effectively. Power bars generates more energy that’s very handy when exercising or doing a vigorous activity. It is supposed to be consumed as an added regimen to our food and not as a replacement.

Completely avoiding carbohydrates

This is another common misconception in maintaining our fitness and nutrition. It is true that carbohydrates make you fat but only if you have taken more than the recommended daily intake. But generally carbohydrates are helpful in promoting our fitness and nutrition in our body because it is the main source of our energy. Others may replace it with other kinds of food like protein based diets but in the end, they still need to take in carbohydrates to sustain a well balanced fitness and nutrition.

Taking muscle building supplements

For those who want to build up their muscles fast, taking in muscle building supplements is not the best way to promote your fitness and nutrition health. It may be true that these supplements can help build your muscles effectively but one must remember that these are just supplements. It will only work properly if the body has proper nutritional intake. If you want to increase the protein in your body, which is very helpful in enhancing your muscles, then there are many alternatives and more natural ways like eating fish and lean meat.

Reducing your intake of fluids

Some believe that reducing the intake of water can make you lose weight faster. This is entirely wrong. To promote fitness and nutrition properly, you must be able to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Experts say that even 1 percent of lack of fluids can affect our body negatively. Especially when exercising, it’s best to take in more than the usual 8 glasses to replace fluids you have lost.

Starving yourself

People believe that eating can make you fat. This is not true; on the contrary it is overeating of the wrong kinds of food that can make your fitness and nutrition levels go down. Starving yourself is not the key to better health. If you skip a meal, there is a tendency that you will eat more on your next meal.
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